Teaching Plan

The first thing that we should do before making lesson plan is take a look at the curriculum, do you agree with that?

Because I would like to teach English Subject, so I just take a look at the K to 12 curriculum spesifically for English subject only as my reference

An effective language arts and multiliteracies curriculum satisfies the following principles:   
  1. develops thinking and language through interactive learning;
  2. develops communicative competence and critical literacy;
  3. draws on literature in order to develop students’ understanding of their literary heritage;
  4. draws on informational texts and multimedia in order to build academic vocabulary and strong content knowledge;
  5. develops students’ oral language and literacy through appropriately challenging learning;
  6. emphasizes writing arguments, explanatory/informative texts and narratives;
  7. provides explicit skill instruction in reading and writing;
  8. builds on the language, experiences, knowledge and interests that students bring to school;
  9. nurtures students’ sense of their common ground in using language/s for communication as present or future global citizens to prepare them to participate in school and in civic life, and;
  10. assesses and reflects the students’ ability to interpret and/or communicate in the target language

The ultimate goal of the Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum is to produce graduates who apply the language conventions, principles, strategies, and skills in (1) interacting with others, (2) understanding and learning other content areas, and (3) fending for themselves in whatever field of endeavor they may engage in. 

Key stage standard for grade 1-3
Students should be able to demonstrate eagerness to explore and experience oral and written texts and to communicate meanings and feelings effectively.

If you wanna see the complete one, you may just click this link
2. After you click the list of subjects based on what the subject will you teach. It’s included for grade 1-10
3. And then, the page will bring you to download the soft file of curriculum.
4. After you downloaded it, you may open the file and find the appropriate grade; mine is grade 1
5. Ask your CT about the topic you’re going to teach and find it in the curriculum
6. Develop your own classroom scenario!


After learning about tthe curriculum, Im ready to make the lesson plan!

I made a detailed lesson plan as my CT requested. And I suggest you to consoul the lesson plan with your cooperating teacher (CT) before teaching practice. Based on my experience, I’d to print out the lesson plan maximum a day before, so my CT would check and revise it.

Now, im going to tell you about my lesson plan that I used for my initial and visit observation

I will explain step by step about my lesson plan, so let’s start it

1.      Don’t forget to write the title (A Detailed Lesson Plan in *the subject* Grade *…*). Because there’s an integration between math and English in the learning activity, so I added (Integrated with Mathematics) there.
2.      Write down the date of your teaching practice; when will you use this lesson plan
3.      In here, the time for teaching English Subject is around 80 minutes. Write it down, alright?
4.      Objectives.
Objectives mean the purpose or the goals that you expected from your students after studying the topic
5.      In subject matter section, write the topic, references and materials
-       You may see the topic in the syllabus. To get it, please do ask your cooperating teacher.
-       References : it based on the curriculum
-       Materials : it’s to support you during learning activity. Please use the attractive materials to get the students’ attention and make them more active in the class. 

A.    Preparation
In this step, there are 4 activities such as performing routine activities, drill, review, and motivation. A detailed lesson plan should be included the dialogue in teacher’ activity and students’ activity. It helped me a lot by doing these because I could clearly imagine how would be the learning process in every steps.

1)      Performing routine activites
Inside this, there’re 4 common activites to open the learning activity like greetings, praying, singing and checking of attendance.
In praying activity, you may ask a student to lead the pray. Then for singing, it’s better for you to show the music video as well and let them sing a song while having a simple movement. Last, ask the attendance of the students by asking to each group. Don’t forget to ask the reason of her/his absence
2)      Drill
In drilling, you may use the topic that’s already learnt by them before. The topic that I used had been delivered 2 days before.

3)      Review
It’s about the last topic and mine was about VCC, CVC, CVV pattern. Do not tell them about the last topic straight aways, just let them say it to make sure if they’re still remembered it.
Before they answered the question, you need to give the example first then you may go to the activity. In my lesson plan, I would choose the students one by one and  ask them to write down the answer in tarpapel (as the material). It’s like the picture below 

It was taken after teaching practice

4. Motivation
 It’s like giving an apperception or “clue” for what topic are they going to learn.

B.     Main activity or development activites
1     Presentation 
Its time for the teacher to deliver the topic; theory, concept, etc. because I taught in grade 1, I should use an interesting method to make the class parcipated. So I planned to play the games and it named “Miss Deaw says”. You may see the rules below

Skill development
In skill development, I dug their critical thinking! Why is it important? Because the students can have their own idea and share it with others students then discuss together!

C.     Closure 

The teacher asked the students to make a conclusion of the topic that day. Give/add the reinforcement after they’re giving the generalization!
Independent Exercise
Give an example in front of the class before they do the task. Tell the direction clearly so the students will know what should they do with it.

      Evaluation and assignment
Individual activity! No cheating!

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